For years I've dreamt of a large walk-in, super organized pantry space.  After our kids moved out, we even entertained the idea of moving. We soon realized that, for one, it's expensive, and for two, it's difficult to replace a great community like ours.  We live about 1 block from a lake and are in the historical area of our town.  I won't even mention the emotional attachment we have to this home.  We'd been using a coat closet outside the kitchen as a make shift pantry.  It was pretty awful.  The space is deep (under the stairs) and narrow. It was dark and canned items would always fall backward, off the shelves, and into the abyss.
     One day, I opened up my messy foyer closet and realized we never use it for guests coats.  It was just a junk closet...old coats and such.  I started entertaining the idea of repurposing it.  I then started stressing about how far it was from the kitchen (about 21 feet), would people think it was weird, etc.

I went for it anyway and this is how it turned out...

Foyer closet turned into a pantry

     I love how it turned out and I don't mind the extra distance from the kitchen.  I wallpapered the walls with a fancy black and white wall paper. I'm glad I took the extra time to do's a great finishing touch. We used shelving and drawer systems from The Container Store, Cherry Hill NJ (Elfa). They are the perfect depth! I won't lie, they are a little on the pricey side. Here's the link:  Wait for them to go on sale!

We measured the cans and allowed only enough room to comfortably be able to stock the shelves, this maximized the space, although elpha shelving is fully adjustable

#pantry #pantryorganization #organization #kitchenorganization

     I hope this sparks some creative organizational ideas in you, especially for those lacking ideal rooms/closets in their home!


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