Loom Knit Basket Patterns Now Available!

I've released five new loom knit basket patterns this month. Baskets make a great home decor or gift project. All of these baskets feature flat bottoms and they stand upright even when empty. There is the owl basket, door knob basket, yarn basket, bread basket and a cute round ...


Pussy Hat Project For Loom Knitters...(Free Pattern)

Hello, today I worked on coming up with a pattern for this loom knit cat hat. Traditionally this hat is knit flat then seamed up the sides. It can be done that way on the loom also but I wanted to knit mine in the round. The seam will be at the top and not along the sides. ...


Loom Knitting Workshop...

Hello, I've created an event page for my upcoming loom knitting workshop at Woolbearers. If you are able, please join us for a fun afternoon of learning this amazing craft. Click the picture below! OR click below for more info and sign up: Loom Knitting Workshop Info/Sign ...

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