#loomknittingvideos #freeloomknittingpatterns #loomknittingblog #loomknit #looming #loomknittingpatterns #loomknittingonyoutube #learntoloomknit
I've been working hard this year to complete my goal of having a video for all of the stitches and techniques used in my loom knitting patterns. Many people comment that they are more "visual" learners, so I'm using these videos to supplement the patterns for those who prefer this method. They are not loom-alongs or complete patterns but you will be able to access a video for everything in the glossary and keys within the patterns! Most of them are already complete and I've finalized and uploaded at least 10 videos in the last week.
Access my channel here:
The easiest way to navigate my YouTube Channel is to click on the button called "Playlists". It is circled in the above screenshot. On that screen you will be able to easily navigate the different topics!
- I have changed the formatting of my videos; less talking, more pictures and written instruction. If the video moves too fast for you, just press pause on each screen.
- If I have missed a topic, let me know in the comment section below this post and I will add it as soon as possible.
- I get daily requests to do full patterns on my channel and I'm sorry to say I will not be doing these. I'm a strong believer in learning to read a pattern, not to mention they are just entirely too time consuming.
- The videos will cover most of the topics in my new book coming out this year for those who are thinking of buying it.
- I'm open to suggestions, so let me know how I can make learning to loom knit easier for you!
Here's a sample of the new video format!
Happy Looming and Thank You For Reading!-Nicole
2016, copyright, This Moment is Good, all rights reserved.
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